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Putin accuses US of prompting arms race

MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. Washington is seeking to achieve military superiority and in doing so it disrupts the existing balance of power and sets off an arms race, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
He made the statement as he took part in a ceremony to kick off the active phase of Exercise Ocean-2024 via video link.
“With its aggressive actions, the United States seeks to achieve a substantial military advantage, thereby disrupting the established security architecture and the balance of power in Asia-Pacific. The US is essentially provoking an arms race without regard for the security of its European and Asian allies,” he stated.
According to Putin, the United States is creating preconditions for a dangerous crisis situation in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. He cited some of the West’s actions as an example.
Washington and its allies openly declare plans to deploy medium-and shorter-range missiles in the so-called forward areas, practicing the transfer and deployment of advanced missile systems in Asia-Pacific, the president said.
“Under the pretext of countering the alleged Russian threat and deterring the People’s Republic of China, the United States and its satellites are increasing their military presence near Russia’s western borders, in the Arctic and in Asia-Pacific,” he went on to say.
